Kilometres for the Kimberley


Our Goal

  • Support it.

    It all begins with your support . With the high running costs of having a base in Broome, we are aiming to raise AUD$50,000 to keep us going in 2024, as well as set up scholarships for future DTS students. Our heart is to enable and empower all who live and pass through the Kimberley with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you feel to support, whatever the amount, it all makes a difference towards the ministry and reach we have up here in the Kimberley.

  • Run it.

    Your support keeps YWAM Broome running, not only financially but physically too. The team at YWAM Broome is willing to run 1 kilometre per $50 donation. We believe that as a missions base, we are employed by the Lord, and that He is our provider. We also believe that He leads us to invite others to partner with us and the vision of YWAM Broome to see His work done here on earth. We originally were thinking of doing $100 for 1km but then were reminded of what Jesus says in Matthew 5:41 NKJV, “Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two”, hence why we feel led to run the extra kilometre for each donation.

How To Give

  • Domestic / Australia

    BSB: 086-006

    Account #: 93-650-5857

    Name: YWAM Broome

    Description: Kilometres for the Kimberley

  • International

    YWAM Perth Donations Page

    Description/Notes: YWAM Broome

    Click here: YWAM Perth Donations