What we’re doing in and around the community

One thing we do as a YWAM base is to go out for times of evangelism during the week. Evangelism time consists of talking with, praying with, and sharing the Gospel with people at markets and events around town as well as parks and central areas in the community. We’re here to serve the town and meet needs both practically and spiritually. We spend time sitting with people chatting or praying for them. Sometimes we’re given the opportunity to meet physical needs and we’re able to buy a meal for a family or a drink for someone on a hot day.

One of our main focuses right now is to build connections and relationship with people around town. We’ve visited churches, talked with business owners and chatted with whoever’s available.

We also volunteer with an organisation called Feed the Little Children. This is an initiative in Broome working to fight hunger, poor nutrition, and to lower child crime rate statistics. Click HERE to learn more about their mission.

Each person on the team is involved in one or two ministries in YWAM Broome to help our base thrive. We work in worship, property, vehicles, media, hospitality, kitchen, accommodation, accounts, and registration. We have plans to grow our ministries in the future, and we’re excited to see where the Lord takes us in this.

One of the opportunities we have is to partner with staff in schools to work with youth in town. We’re able to build connections with kids and see how to further fill needs around the community.

As communities begin to open up from Covid-19 lockdown, we’ll be able to do outreaches in communities and into further areas of the Kimberley.

Another way our team works with the community is working through strategic prayer. We go out prayer walking and prayer mapping the neighbourhoods and town. We have times of worship and prayer in parks, at beaches, and areas that are spiritually heavy.