A Ute Named DAK


The Lord’s provision! It’s been so exciting to see His faithfulness in different ways and areas. From the smallest details to the biggest necessities, God has shown up and been so trustworthy. Through the whole process of moving up to Broome and starting a base, He’s provided the things we’ve needed.

One of the miracles we’ve been able to witness through this crazy process has been getting our first YWAM Broome vehicle. As a base and team of ten people we knew we would need at least one more vehicle to get us up to Broome from Perth. We were each praying for finances and a vehicle to come in. Our base director, Heather did so much research learning many things about different cars and utes and what would serve our team best. She talked with many guys from our base back in Perth.. some who worked in the vehicles ministry of YWAM Perth, and some who just had knowledge on these things. As Heather was doing practical work to find a vehicle, the rest of the team was praying for money for a vehicle as well as for the Lord to provide the right one.

Our first big donation towards our vehicle was a large sum from an anonymous donor. The second came from a generous family in America. Not all of our team members are in the country right now. One of the girls on the team currently in America has some family friends who sold a house and knew of the work we were starting. These friends felt the Lord nudge them to donate their tithe money from that sale to our “vehicle/moving up” budget. Through these two donations we were able to buy our first 4WD ute for the team.

Heather went to many different dealerships and sellers around town and wasn’t finding much in the way of what we needed. At the end of one of the days she was car hunting she went to one more dealership at the recommendation of one dealership after hearing our story of who we were and what we needed. She followed up on the suggestion and ended up looking at the this ute which had just come in and hadn’t been looked at too closely yet but only had a few cosmetic issues. With the donations that came in we were able to make the purchase and got our 4WD vehicle, which we lovingly call DAK because the license plate spells out DAK. It’s really a miracle that she found this ute and that it was in our price range for the vehicle with the amazing condition it’s in.

We’re so thankful!


YWAM Broome’s First Base