YWAM Broome’s First Base


The first house for YWAM Broome is another miracle from the Lord and testimony of His faithfulness. This house is one that serves as both base and accommodation for our team of ten people. We live, work, love and serve out of this blessing of a house.

Originally, the plan for our base was to make the move up in March. However due to covid-19 travel restrictions and with thoughtful prayer consideration we knew that we needed more time before we could make the move. That being said, we have had different team members looking at potential accommodation for us since the beginning of the year.

We knew we needed to move up before wet season, so we began planning a second time to move up, this time in September. As we made the plans to move - preparing mentally, spiritually, financially, we kept moving forward in faith, but we didn’t have a place to call home.

About a month before our move date, two girls from our team flew up to do walkthroughs in any of the houses on the market that could possibly fit our needs. Since it was tourist season and Covid-19 had shut down the state borders, the town was packed. People had come up for the holiday season and most of the houses up for rent were taken. Many of the houses that the girls walked through were being put under contract the same week the girls were looking. We knew the Lord would come through with a house that would fit our needs perfectly, but it was a crazy time for sure. There were really only a few options on the market and many of them were less than ideal.

The girls found one house that looked like it would fit all ten of us well enough and we prayed over the few available options. The Lord spoke to go ahead and apply for renting it, and the waiting game began. For about a week the owner of the house was contemplating between our rent application and a few others that had been submitted as well. We knew we weren’t the only option so we kept praying over our application for the whole week and trusted God to do the rest for us. A few days later we got a call from the property manager and we had gotten the contract!

This house has been even more of a blessing than we realized it would be. The neighborhood is great, the property has a nice pool, and it’s close to town which makes life easier. We know only God could have gotten together the perfect place for our first base and this is definitely it. We’re very thankful for our house and YWAM Broome base, and excited to see how it serves us in the future and how we can honor the Lord and love people well from the place He’s provided us with.


Moving Up To Broome


A Ute Named DAK